The idea for Compliment Corner came from an experience I had at a cafe in London's Fleet Street. I was travelling around the city and having a particularly tiring day. I went to the nearest cafe to buy a bottle of juice. The lady who served me was very welcoming. She asked me about my day, smiled, and wished me well. I left feeling a little bit happier. It didn't occur to me til later, but I'd been thinking about that experience and wanted to let her know what a difference she'd made. By that point, the moment had gone. I couldn't go back to the shop and I made a note to perhaps write to her to express my gratitude. Of course, I never got round to it and the lady never knew how grateful I was that she'd took the time to talk to me.
So, what I want to achieve with Compliment Corner is to help people say thank you for good service. I want to let people know when they've made a difference to someone and hope that it might make a difference to them. Because people like to feel valued and appreciated. They like to know when they've done a good job just as much as when they haven't - and far fewer compliments are given than complaints.
Compliment Corner will make a difference to people's day.
It will make them smile.
It will help us to say thank you.
It's as simple as that.
Check back for more updates or get in touch.
Phil -